Thursday, 6 January 2011

Los Reyes Magos in Sevilla

January 5 we set off from Casa Alegria for a night in Seville, Spain.
Armed with two sets of directions; from Reyes and her brother Vale, we had a quick trip on the autovia, arriving to the outskirts of the city well within two hours.  Then the fun began as we ended u in the centre of the city...lost...and had to double back to meet Vale at another sister, Valme´s house.
It all worked out in the end.  Vale drove us back into town where we prayed (successfully!) for a carpark,met Valme and Dani and their two chicas, and found Pilar´s apartment in the maze of streets.
What a beautiful, beautiful city. It took my breath away.

1 comment:

  1. To Kerin and fellow travellers... gr8 2 catch up latest blog was just awesome. Some of your photos even had people I recognised in them! I am following your travels on a photocopied map I have concocted... so that needs updating after this latest blog. Very warm / sticky heat here again tonight. Are Craig and Belle joining you? Soon? I read about Ben's brush with the pick pocket scum bag. Love to all Mama Mia
